Package-level declarations

Contains all the classes and logic used for parsing and evaluating an expression


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interface AstMember

Interface used to declare the members of the AstTree

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class AstTree(tks: ComplexList, numbers: List<ComplexNumber>)

This class is made to modify, store, return and Parse values provided by the ComplexLexer.complexLexer method, it has an only main and public method that will return a parsed token list to a Tree of AstMember instances

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data class BinaryExpression(val type: AstTypes = AstTypes.BINARY_OPERATOR, val value: Operation) : AstMember

Binary Expression type of the kind AstMember

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class Evaluator(input: AstMember)

This class represents the very last step in the parsing process, it receives in its constructor an AstMember Tree, and it evaluates it its only public main method.

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data class Function(val function: (ComplexNumber) -> ComplexNumber, val inside: AstMember)

Function class that holds the information of a FunctionExpression

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data class FunctionExpression(val type: AstTypes = AstTypes.FUNCTION, val value: Function) : AstMember

Function Expression type of the kind AstMember

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data class NumericLiteral(val type: AstTypes = AstTypes.NUMERIC_LITERAL, val value: ComplexNumber) : AstMember

Numeric Literal type of the kind AstMember

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data class Operation(val leftHandSide: AstMember, val operator: Operator, val rightHandSide: AstMember)

Operation class that holds the information of a BinaryExpression