
data class FunctionExpression(val type: AstTypes = AstTypes.FUNCTION, val value: Function) : AstMember(source)

Function Expression type of the kind AstMember

This member of the AST tree stores a Function


Version 1.0

See also


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constructor(type: AstTypes = AstTypes.FUNCTION, value: Function)


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open override val type: AstTypes

: by default is AstTypes.FUNCTION

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open override val value: Function

: the ComplexNumber that it stores


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operator fun component1(): AstTypes
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operator fun component2(): Function
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fun copy(type: AstTypes = AstTypes.FUNCTION, value: Function): FunctionExpression
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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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open override fun toString(): String